clown Workshops

With lee delong

For actors, clowns, and student actors

About the workshop

This workshop focuses on the search for the actor’s own unique Clown. By rendering weaknesses into strengths, a new performance path opens to the actor. Vulnerability and failure become the very tools the clown employs to establish, validate, and deepen their relationship with the audience, making their performance impactful and lasting.

This workshop will enhance the actors’ understanding of their own skills, and change their on-stage awareness, creating a vital relationship with their partners and the public.


contact us

La Compagnie Lark is proud to offer Lee Delong’s life-changing clown workshops on a multitude of levels. Whether for actors or creatives, for teachers and professors, or for coorporate executives, the lessons of the Red-Nosed Clown are universal, and Lee will illustrate just how.